Saturday 18 July 2015


1) PERSONAL- Dear Parents time alloted to you for the meeting is your own personal time with the teacher, Make most of it by discussing beforehand with your child any issue which he or she may want you to discuss with the teacher. If you are one of the lucky parents whose child does not need your intervention in his class matters, then it will still help to jot down some relevant queries beforehand. REMEMBER, there may be other parents with more pressing matters to discuss and the teacher also has to get back home to her children.

2) POSITIVE- A positive comment or feedback goes a long way in a child's development. Same is the case with grown ups too. Start the meeting on a positive note, be it class/school infrastructure, activities done in class, efforts put in by the teachers or improvement in your child's performance (even if its slight). Do not raise your voice or start blaming the authorities if you tend to disagree on any point or do not find something to your liking. Instead, give some suggestions and be ready to take some to resolve the matter. REMEMBER,a little appreciation from your side will double the teacher's enthusiasm and energy.

3) PRODUCTIVE- Stick to the relevant queries regarding your child's class performance and behaviour. Listen to the teacher's suggestions with a positive attitude and specify the areas which you want the teacher to work upon in your child. REMEMBER,its the joint effort of teachers and parents which contribute to the wholesome development of a child.

MOST IMPORTANT ; Accept your child as an individual with his own likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, learning ability and capacity and personal nature.

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