Friday 12 June 2015

World Environment Day 2015 (5.6.15)

Every 5th of June is used by The United Nations to make the people aware of environmental issues.
The theme for 2015 is ' Seven Billion Dreams ; One Planet; Consume With Care' 
Although we need to save and conserve every resource but One big wastage that we as Indians overlook is over consumption of food. We can follow some simple steps to contribute our little bit in saving our resources.
1) Take smaller, frequent shopping trips and make a list of things you need to buy beforehand.
2) Try to use whole of fruits and vegetables, including skins.
3) Be aware of terms like sell by date, expiry date, use by date and shelf life etc.
4) Finish the leftovers by using them in different dishes/ recipes.
5) Learn to store your food in a proper and smart manner. 

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