Monday 28 August 2023

29.8.23 Vriksha Bandhan Celebration

Raksha Bandhan was celebrated by students of Class 3 in the form of Vriksha Bandhan where students tied sacred thread to trees and pledged their allegiance towards trees. They promised to protect trees by not cutting them and planting more saplings. 

Saturday 19 August 2023

Curriculum (Trans disciplinary ) Class 4- Persuasive Text

 Class 4 Students wrote persuasive text on the topic,' Importance of Sport in Life.' To help them understand this topic, sports teacher Ms. Prakshi was called to the class. She explained to children various benefits of taking up a sport - both mental and physical.

This helped the children in understanding the topic and presenting it in a better way on paper. They also learnt topic specific vocabulary.

Wednesday 16 August 2023

16.8.23 Curriculum Activity- Class 5- Composing and Presenting a Playscript

 Composing and Presenting a Playscript

Drama or Plays in class allows the students to become more active as they have the responsibility to use their language skills in a play. The benefits include increase of confidence, awareness of word meaning, acquisition of proper intonation, development of fluence.

Keeping the above benefits in mind, students of Class 4 were divided into three groups. Each group was entrusted with the task of writing a play script titled- ‘Who Stole The Tarts?’ They were free to assign the  roles of director, props manager, writer, costume manager and actors on their own. Later each group presented their playscript.

Monday 14 August 2023

Class 3 Independence Day 2023 Celebrations

 Freedom in the mind,

Faith in the words...

Pride in our soul...

Let’s salute the Nation on this auspicious day.

Independence Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm and respect at DAVPS Cambridge Wing. The school decorated with tricolor saffron, white and green balloons and flags welcomed the eyes of all to the function. The students came in proper school uniform.

The ceremony started at 8:10 AM in the school open ground with large crowd of staff and students.

To commemorate the sovereignty of our Nation, Principal of our School, Madam Rashmi Raj Biswal unfurled the tricolor flag and all in unison sang the National Anthem and expressed the joy of our freedom.

Chaitanya and Aarika, students of Std.6 took us down the memory lane when they spoke on the freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru, and Subhash Chandra Bose etc who played an important role in Indian independence.

Later, in the auditorium, the students of Class 1-2 in their melodious voices sang the Patriotic song- that awakened everyone’s feelings towards the Mother Land. They presented a short musical presentation on Unity in Diversity and Role Play of various freedom fighters.

Prize Distribution took place to acknowledge those students who bought laurels for themselves and the school in non-scholastic areas (Art).

Ravit Pandit, a student of class 8, enlightened everyone with importance of being united. He exhorted the students to follow the ideals of the great people.

He advised the students to become ideal citizens of the country.

Taking the slogan of ‘Unity in Diversity’ forward, the students of Class 3, Advit, Kaira, Yana, Somnath and Aarav Sachdeva presented patriotic song and dance.

The program culminated with Vote of Thanks and group pictures. Indeed, it was a day of joy, a day to love and respect our country and make it a better place for Indians to live and experience the freedom, peace and Unity in Diversity.