Friday 28 July 2023

28.7.23 Visit to Philately Museum

 The visit of Class 3-5 Cambridge students to the Philately Museum in Delhi was organized with the aim of providing an enriching and educational experience for the participants. 

The visit had several objectives. Firstly, it aimed to introduce the students to the world of philately and the importance of stamp collections in preserving cultural and historical legacies. Additionally, the visit aimed to inspire the students to develop an interest in philately as a hobby or potential career path.

The Philately Museum, located in Delhi, is a treasure trove for stamp enthusiasts and history buffs alike. It houses a vast collection of rare and valuable stamps from around the world, showcasing the evolution of postal services and the diverse cultural heritage of different countries. The museum serves as a hub for research, education, and appreciation of philatelic history and its impact on society.

The museum boasts an impressive collection of stamps, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of various countries. From rare and antique stamps to thematic collections, the exhibits offer a glimpse into the fascinating world of postage history. Each display is meticulously curated to provide visitors with a comprehensive understanding of the philatelic world.

The visit required meticulous planning. The school administration collaborated with museum authorities to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. Permissions, transportation, and necessary arrangements were made well in advance to avoid any last-minute hassles.

Effective coordination between the school and the museum authorities played a crucial role in the success of the visit. The museum staff provided guidance on the best time to visit, tailored activities to suit students' age group, and facilitated interactive sessions to enhance their learning experience.

The visit was divided into different segments to maximize the students' exposure and engagement. The itinerary included a guided tour, interactive sessions, and hands-on activities. The schedule was carefully crafted to balance educational content with fun elements, ensuring that the students remained enthusiastic throughout the day.

The visit began with an engaging guided tour led by knowledgeable museum staff. They introduced the students to the basics of philately, explaining the different types of stamps, their historical context, and the stories they convey. This initial introduction laid a strong foundation for the students' exploration of the museum.

The museum's collection left the students in awe. They marveled at rare stamps featuring iconic personalities, memorable events, and breathtaking artwork. The students were able to observe the intricate details of each stamp, appreciating the artistic and historical value they held. The diverse range of exhibits sparked curiosity and encouraged further exploration.

To enhance the students' experience, the museum provided hands-on activities and workshops. The students had the opportunity to design their own stamps, learn about the stamp printing process, and even create miniature stamp collections. These interactive sessions not only made learning fun but also fostered creativity and critical thinking skills.

Overall, the visit to the Philately Museum in Delhi was a resounding success. The students left with a newfound appreciation for the art of philately and a better understanding of its cultural and historical significance. It was a day filled with learning, excitement, and a touch of whimsy, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended.

Thursday 27 July 2023

27.7.23 Social- Emotional Learning- Empathy & Compassion- Moral Value

 Today morning, Kavyansh, a student of Class 3 lost his pet dog. He was feeling very sad and depressed. To console and cheer him up, his classmates were encouraged to make a card for him, in which his classmates wrote sympathy messages for him.

This activity taught the students to feel for others, build relationships, communicate better and make efforts to bring a smile on faces of people around them.

Tuesday 25 July 2023

25.7.23 Teaching Strategy-Theatrical Expression to teach Mood of story & Effect created by writer

 Teaching strategy- Theatrical Expression was used in Class 5 to teach the mood of fear and helplessness felt by students in the boarding school of Mr. Creakle where David Copperfield was sent as punishment by his step father. 

Teacher through exaggeration in her gestures and vocal expression showed body language and tone of voice of Mr. Creakle which instilled fear in his students.

Thursday 20 July 2023

20.7.23 Curriculum Activity- Descriptive Writing- Design a Hairstyle - Class 4

 In this activity, students were asked to use their imagination and design a hairstyle. After designing it, they had to describe it with the help of descriptive words and explain what made them design it, who all are going to have this kind of hairstyle and whether it will help them in their career. 

This activity helped the students in understanding that description is important in writing because it provides readers with significant details about a character, setting, or event in a story.

Saturday 15 July 2023

15.7.23 Curriculum Activity- Notes Making and Information Text- Class 3

 Informational text is nonfiction writing, written with the intention of informing the reader about a specific topic. It is typically found in magazines, science or history books, autobiographies and instruction manuals. 

Learners of Class 3 were divided in groups of 5. Each group was given an encyclopedia from the class library. Learners chose one topic of their choice, noted down key information and wrote an information text on topics: Pokemon, Hot and Cold Places on Earth, Layers of Earth, Dinosaurs and many more.

Learners found this activity highly motivating since the topics that were covered were of great personal interest.