Thursday 28 April 2022

29.4.22 Class 3 Activity- Simon Says

 In this activity, action word (Verbs) were written on paper slips. Each child had to pick up a slip and perform the action written on it. The class had to guess the verb and then use that verb in their own sentence. 

This activity helped them in improving their grammar concept and sentence formation.

27.4.22 Class 3 English Week Activity- HOT POT

 In this activity, students of class 3 were divided into groups of 6. Each group was given a set of words (different parts of speech) Each group had to discuss and use the given set of words in framing ten sentences of their own. 

This activity helped the students in improving their grammar concept, creativity and sentence formation.

Meenakshi ma'am judged the students on the basis of Accuracy, Sentence Formation and Team Work.

27.4.21 Class 5 English Week Activity- Monologues from Shakespeare's Plays

 In this activity, students of Class 5 were given some sample monologues to read and then they recited monologues from famous Shakespeare's plays. This activity helped the students in knowing about Shakespeare and his great work. It  and also helped them in improving their speaking skills and confidence.

Saloni ma'am judged the students on the basis of audience, content and pronunciation.