Monday 31 August 2020

(31.8.20) Class 4 Activity- Performing a Play Script

 Students of Class 4 participated in the activity- Performing a Play Script. Students wrote their own script and performed it in front of the class. 

This activity helped them to reinforce the concept of dialogue writing and punctuation marks used in Direct Speech.

Day 3 Class 5 (29.8.20) - Poem Rendition with introduction on Figures of Speech used in the poem

 In this activity, the students recited a poem of their choice. They also gave a brief introduction of the figures of speech used in the poems like simile, metaphor, personification, types of rhymes and so on.

The students were judged on content, intonation and presentation by Ms. Bhawna Rana m/o Aahana Rana (Class 4)

Congratulations to all the Participants and Winners!

Naina Parolia- 1st

Rudra Malhotra- 1st

Ishika Sangari- 2nd

Angel - 3rd

Friday 28 August 2020

Class 5 Day 2 (28.8.20) Class Discussion based on Six Thinking Hats

  Students were divided into groups. Each group was given a question based on different thinking hats. The group discussed and came up with the possible answer, common to all members of the group.

Blue hat topic-  Suppose there is no internet.

White Hat- (Information known or needed) What is internet and other facts on internet. Example: Number of users in India, world, founder etc. (Brightness or optimism) What are the positive values or benefits of internet?

Black Hat- (Problems and dangers) What are the dangers and problems faced by people/ children in using or accessing internet ?

Green Hat- (Creativity, alternatives, new ideas) What ideas do you have to solve Black Hat problems?

Red Hat- (Emotions, Feelings, Intuitions) What do you think will be the future of internet in the coming years?

Students enjoyed the activity and learnt how to add structure to brainstorming session and have a clearer thinking process.

Teaching Technique- Six Thinking Hats

Thursday 27 August 2020

Class 5 Day 1 (27.8.20) Lipogram Writing


1)      A text that purposefully excludes a particular letter of the alphabet is called a Lipogram. The adjective is lipogrammatic. Students were divided into groups. They chose a rhyme, discussed, wrote and then presented a lipogram in front of the class.