Monday 13 April 2020

Happy Baisakhi 2020

Importance of this day in Indian History

The Jallianwalah Bagh Massacre, also known as the Amritsar Massacre was  happened in Amritsar, in 1919. It is named after the Jallianwala Bagh [Temple] in the northern Indian city of Amritsar. On April 13, 1919, British Indian Army soldiers started shooting at an unarmed crowd of men, women and children. The person in charge was Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer, the military commander of Amritsar.
The shooting lasted about ten minutes. According to official British Raj sources, 379 people were killed. According to other sources, there were over 1,000 deaths, with more than 2,000 hurt badly, and Civil Surgeon Dr. Smith said that there were 1,526 casualties.
The Jallianwala Bagh was surrounded on all sides by houses and buildings and had few narrow entrances, most of which were kept locked. Unable to escape people tried to climb the walls of the park. Many jumped into a well inside the compound to escape from the bullets. A plaque in the monument says that 120 bodies were plucked out of the well.

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