Friday 28 October 2016




It's the "Festival of Lights" today,
It's again the day of Diwali,
It's time to dress up folks, 
It's time to adorn the thali.

It's the occasion to throng the temples,
Pray to the Gods and give them offerings,
It's an opportunity to entreat the deities,
To bless us all and rid us of sufferings.

It's the day to light the diyas,
Ignite the rockets and burst crackers,
But it's also the time to be safe,
From the fireworks and all the sparklers.

It's the season to pay a visit, 
To all our friends and relations,
To hand them over sweets and presents,
Diwali is our splendid chance.

But while you spend a time of joy,
Don't think it's merriment all the way,
Out there wait many of those,
For whom it's no time to be gay.

Denied of laughter and smiles for days,
They know not what it is to enjoy,
Can you not share something you have,
Can you not bring them a little joy?

When you can make someone else smile
When you can be someone's ally
That's when you can yourself be glad
That's when you'll have a HAPPY DIWALI!

Activity - Menu Card



The teacher divided the students in six groups, under the names of different countries e.g.  India, Indonesia, Italy, Saudi Arabia, America and Japan. After showing a sample menu card, she instructed each group  to prepare a menu card  showing  a variety of food items from the country they had been asked to represent .

The prices and the names of the items were customized in accordance to one’s  comfort levels. 

It was  followed up with a group discussion on the availability of different food items found in various parts of the world. 
Students concluded:

• That the eating habits differ all around the world.
• Food items can be eaten raw / cooked.
• Food is obtained from animal source / plant sources.

Monday 10 October 2016

Meaning of Dussehra

*Dasha Hara is a Sanskrit word which means removal of ten bad qualities within you*:
*Ahankara* (Ego)
*Amanavta* (Cruelty)
*Anyaaya* (Injustice)
*Kama vasana* (Lust)
*Krodha* (Anger)
*Lobha* (Greed)
*Mada* (Over Pride)
*Matsara* (Jealousy)
*Moha* (Attachment)
*Swartha* (Selfishness)
Hence, also known as *'Vijaydashami'* signifying *”Vijaya”* over these ten bad qualities.

*" Happy Dussehara !!!!!!!!!!"*

Friday 7 October 2016


Quizzardo- An inter house quiz competition was held for the students of class 3 and 4. The event was held in their respective classrooms. All the students participated in this September month activity which was based on assessing the multiple intelligence.

There were four rounds in the competition : mental ability, logical reasoning, puzzle time and buzzer round. The questions put forth to the teams were intriguing, exciting and made all the team members applaud excitedly when their team answered correctly.

The victors in class 3 were Bose House, Aristotle House and Newton House and in class 4 the winners were Einstein House, Aristotle House and Bhabha House.

On the whole, it was an enriching experience for all those involved.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Unusual Names

Glabella - The space between your eyebrows is called a glabella.
Petrichor - The way it smells after the rain is called petrichor.
Aglet - The plastic or metallic coating at the end of your shoelaces is called an aglet.
Wamble - The rumbling of stomach is actually called a wamble.
Vagitus - The cry of a new born baby is called a vagitus.
Tines - The prongs on a fork are called tines.
Phosphenes - The sheen or light that you see when you close your eyes and press your hands on them are called phosphenes.
Box Tent - The tiny plastic table placed in the middle of a pizza box is called a box tent.
Overmorrow - The day after tomorrow is called overmorrow.
Minimus - Your tiny toe or finger is called minimus.
Agraffe - The wired cage that holds the cork in a bottle of champagne is called an agraffe.
Vocables - The 'na na na' and 'la la la', which don't really have any meaning in the lyrics of any song, are called vocables.
Interrobang - When you combine an exclamation mark with a question mark (like this ?!), it is referred to as an interrobang.
Columella Nasi - The space between your nostrils is called columella nasi.
Armscye - The armhole in clothes, where the sleeves are sewn, is called armscye.
Dysania - The condition of finding it difficult to get out of the bed in the morning is called dysania.
Griffonage - Unreadable hand-writing is called griffonage (Are you reading this dear doctors?)
Tittle - The dot over an “i” or a “j” is called tittle.
Crapulence - That utterly sick feeling you get after eating or drinking too much is called crapulence.
Brannock Device - The metallic device used to measure your feet at the shoe store is called Brannock device.