Monday 22 July 2019

Activity ( Class 4) -Interview an Astronaut

In continuation with the on going unit - Exploring Space, an activity was conducted in the class. The students of class 4 interviewed their talk partner in pairs. One played the role of interviewer and the other became an astronaut.
Through this activity, children learnt about the life if astronauts on ISS and what all training they have to take in order to become an astronaut.
They also learnt the use of various question words and difference between closed and open questions. The closed questions require only yes/ no as answer whereas open questions require elaborate answers.

Wednesday 10 July 2019

Class 3 Activity- Design Collector’s Card

Students of class participated in class activity - Design Collector’s Card. In this activity children researched information about amazing sea animals and then wrote it on given cards.
After it, the class was divided into two teams. One team read the answers and other team tried to guess the corresponding questions.
Learning Objective achieved- Use Question Words to Frame Questions from the given answers.
