Thursday 18 October 2018

Dussehra - 2018

Famous Dussehra Celebrations in Different States.

1) The Dussehra of Kulu- Kulu, a small town in Himachal Pradesh, is witness to unique Dussehra celebrations. Since the times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, who ruled Punjab (which also consisted of parts of Himachal Pradesh), more than 150 years ago, Dussehra celebrations here begin three days after they do in the rest of India.

This is so because the powerful Maharaja expected all kings who paid him homage, to be present at Kulu for the celebration. These rulers would leave immediately after the celebrations in their kingdoms had ended, and head to Kulu. Since it took them three days to reach, this practice was established and has continued ever since.
Village deities from all around are brought to Kulu in palanquins. The procession is led by musicians and dancers. A large fair is also organised on this occasion.
This is a good opportunity for people to buy and stock their provisions for the harsh winter ahead, as most places become inaccessible due to snow within a month of the festival.
2) The Grand Dussehra of Mysore- In Mysore in the southern state of Karnataka, the celebrations take a unique turn. Instead of effigies of Ravana being burnt, five animals -a rooster, a fish, a lamb, a crab, and a buffalo – are sacrificed instead.
Dussehra is a royal celebration in Mysore. The people of Mysore celebrate Durga Puja, too. They mark Durga’s killing of Mahishasura, who according to myth lived in those parts. The celebrations are held at the Durga temple atop the Chamundi hill, with a breathtaking view. Durga happens to be the family deity of the royal family.
3) The ‘Bommai Kolu’ of Tamil Nadu- In Tamil Nadu, Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, Saraswati, the goddess of learning and arts and Shakti (Durga) are worshipped. Here, and in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, families arrange dolls (Bommai Kolu) on specially built steps. They also prepare an elaborate spread of lamps and flowers.
The day of Saraswati puja is a day of special happiness for anyone who has to study for school, college or any exam. On that day, the books are placed before the goddess of learning, with the fervent hope that the owner of the books does well. And no one is supposed to study that day!
In Kerala, too, Vijayadashami is an auspicious occasion for children to commence their education in classical dance and music, and to pay homage to their teachers.

English Activity- Simile Game (Class 3)

simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two different things. The simile is usually in a phrase that begins with "as" or "like." The often nonsensical aspect of similes make them a fun way to get kids excited about reading and writing.

In this activity children of class 3 played a game in which they had to match and make pairs of given similes.

(Skills/ Values tested- Critical thinking, decision making and kinesthetic.)
(Transdisciplinary- Physical Education)

Poster on Child Labour- Social Studies (Class 3)

Through this activity, children of class 3 learnt that Child labour is the employment of children below the age of 14 years in any industry or business. Child labour is an illegal act and has been a big social issue in India for years.  

Any type of job performed by the children in industries is difficult and demanding as well as more hazardous and morally reprehensible for them. Children have to perform a wide range of tasks and activities even after being of small age and low capacity.

Children also learnt importance of education and hard work.

(Skills/ Values tested- Empathy, Social Awareness.)
(Trans disciplinary- Visual Arts.)

English- Listening Activity (Classes 3,4,5)

Fluency in English requires high level in all four skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing. Learners often have strengths or weaknesses in particular skills, and in some cases can achieve high levels in, for example, reading and writing, while not being able to speak or listen at a comparable level. 
In order to give adequate practice in Listening Skill to the students, students are made to listen to an audio CD provided in Cambridge Curriculum and then they attempt the given assignments.

Monday 15 October 2018

English- First Conditionals for class 5


The first (1st) conditional is the possible conditional. It is used to talk about possible future events and their likely results.

The first conditional sentence structure: If + present simple, will + verb
We use the first conditional to talk about :-
11)    Predictions- to say what we think will happen in a specific situation or when a specific event happens.
Eg. If you don’t hurry, you’ll be late for work.
If you stay out in the rain too long, you’ll get sick!

2)    Superstitions-  a belief that an event or situation will bring good luck or bad luck.

Eg. If you break a mirror, you will have 7 years of bad luck!

If you walk under a ladder, you will have bad luck!

3)    Future plans- to make plans for the future if an event or situation happens first.

Eg. If you go shopping tomorrow, I’ll go with you!

If you have an extra ticket, I’ll go to the concert with you!

4)    Warnings and threats

Eg. Slow down! If the police catch you speeding, you’ll get a ticket.
If you don’t come to my birthday party, I’ll never speak to you again.

Tuesday 2 October 2018

Poem on Gandhiji

A Poem on Gandhi

It was vacation, and I had nothing to do;
I was at home and mummy daddy too;
My glance caught a sketch, of an old person;
He appeared to be the gentlest under the sun;
Strikingly, different was the expression in his Eyes;
Suddenly I felt guilty of all my lies;
His lips parted in a smile , so pure
He left me spellbound that's for sure
"Who is he dad?" was my question
"Come on, don't you know?" "was his reaction
He is the one who has set us free;
He is the one who has planted the tree;
He is the one, who was bold enough;
Firm and stubborn but never rough;
Truth and non-violence is what he taught
Same were the principles for which he fought
Preaching and practices for once were the same
His deed were worth name and fame
I have never seen a soul, so tall;
Oh dad; he appears to be the father of all
"You said it, child" said my dad
'Bapu' is the name he always had
I saw the sketch again and again,
His returning smile was my greatest gain,
October 2nd was the day my friends
That certainly changed my life's trends
 Lal Bahadur Shastri

Shastri Lalbahadur, 
As soft as butter, 
But as hard as steel.
He was/is for peace, 
But march forward in war.
He won/win the hearts
Of farmers and also
That of soldiers.

Shastri Lalbahadur, 
Knew well we are all
In the theater and
We are to play our parts
To save others.
Individual identity has
Nothing to do, 
But to establish the truth.

Truth is our land, 
Truth is our sovereignty, 
Truth is we are free, 
And free to do anything
For all welfare.
Each man is the ambassador
Of peace and each one
Reflects his own eyes.