Wednesday 29 November 2017

Daily Log 29.11.17


Class 4- 1.Position of Adverbs rules continued
              2.Exercise- Insert given adverb in correct place.

Class 3- 1. Introduction to Prepositional Phrases
              2. Exercises on Prepositions in English Practice Book

Social Studies-
Map Work- Mark Eastern and Western states on a political map of India.

Monday 27 November 2017

Daily Log 28.11.17


class 4- Rules for position of adverbs discussed and done in class.
             Dictation from ch. In the land of Lilliput.
             Helping Hand- Scarcity of food  in INDIA- discussed in class with the help of video.

Class 3- prepositions done in practice book.

Social Studies

 Map Activity- Northern and Southern states marked on political map of India.

Friday 17 November 2017

Daily Log (17th and 18th November)


Class 4 and 3

English- UT and English Olympiad

Class 3 S.St. - Reading of Ch.11 Directions


Class 4
English- Character sketch of Gulliver and Emperor from Ch. In The Land of Lilliput.

Diary Note- 1) Children are not allowed to bring money without parent's note.
                    2) Come in proper PT dress for Footsteps for Good on 24th November. Black cycling shorts compulsory for participation in the events.

Class 3
English- Reading Comprehension Man Learns to Fly.
S.St.- Explanation of Ch.11 Directions.

HW. Bring two political maps of India and revise for UT 3 of English.

Thursday 16 November 2017

Daily Log (16.11.17)


Class 4- Word Meanings and Question Answers of Ch. In The Land Of Lilliput.

Class 3- Question Answers of Ch. The Birthday Kitten

English Syllabus (Unit 4) given in classes 3 and 4

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Daily Log (13th and 14th November, 2017)


Class 4 (13th Nov.)- Explanation of Ch. In the Land of Lilliput.
             (14th Nov.)- Hindi UT test and Fun Games to mark Children's Day.

Class 3 (13th Nov.)- Reading and difficult words of Ch. The Birthday Kitten.
             (14th Nov.)- Explanation and word meanings of Ch. The Birthday Kitten. 

Children's Day (2017)

Children's Day is celebrated across India on November 14, the birth anniversary of the first Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru, fondly called Chacha Nehru. He is often cited as saying that children should always be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they are the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow.

 Class 4 (PRIMUS) students celebrated this day by participating in many fun games like Lemon and Spoon Race and Banana Race. Children enjoyed these games a lot. It was heart warming to see their merriment.

Monday 13 November 2017


DAV Public School,Pushpanjali observed Library Week in the month of October, 2017. Children enjoyed various activities and games related to books. They learnt about various types of books and their importance in our lives.
Children also enjoyed story telling sessions by many famous authors like Vijayawanti Tonpe.

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Off due to pollution

The school shall remain closed till 10th Nov. (Friday) from Pre Primary to Class 5 due to severe air pollution as per directions of the Directorate of Education.

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Daily Log (8.11.17)

Class 4- Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
Primary Plus Comprehension
Reading of ch. In the land of Lilliput

Class 3 Primary Plus Comprehension ch.10 Value based questions

Daily Log (6 and 7 Nov. 2017)

Class 4

(6.11.17)-  Underline verbs in given  sentences and write transitive or intransitive.
Practice for progression.

UNIT TEST 3- Science
Listening Skill - Rizi the Alien

Class 3 (6.11.17)- Revision of verbs
(7.11.17)- Revision of verbs

6.11.17- Q/Ans. ch 10 continued
7.11.17- Ch.10- Extra Questions

Friday 3 November 2017

Daily Log (3.11.17)


Class 4- Worksheet on Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

Story Telling Session with Mrs. Vijaylakshmi Swant Tonpe

HW. Do the given worksheet on Transitive and Intransitive Verbs and paste both the worksheets in notebook.

Class 3- Story Telling Session with Mrs. Vijaylakshmi Swant Tonpe

S.St. Q/Ans.3,4 and 5 of Ch.10 Beautiful Homes

Thursday 2 November 2017

Visit to National Handicrafts Museum, Pragati Maidan (2.11.17)

The National Handicrafts and Handlooms Museum (NHHM) commonly known as National Crafts Museum in New Delhi is one of the largest crafts museums in India.
It is run by the Ministry of TextilesGovernment of India. The museum is situated on the corner of the Pragati Maidan, facing the Purana Qila complex.
Various galleries within the museum include the Tribal and Rural Craft Gallery, Gallery of Courtly Crafts, Textile Gallery, Gallery of Popular Culture etc.[ Some of its prized collection include, the 250-300-year-old, Bhoota Collection from Karnataka, rare Kashmiri 300-year-old ‘dushalas’, handkerchiefs from Chamba, known for their unique embroidery, rare brocade and Baluchari sarisKutch embroidery, precious metal jewellery and much more. 
The museum is popular for an exhaustive collection of textiles.The museum also houses a village complex spread over 5-acre, with 15 structures representing village dwellings, courtyards and shrines from different states of India, with items of day-to-day life displayed. The entire village complex is a remnant of a temporary exhibition on the theme of rural India, held in 1972. Today several traditional craftsmen in residence at the museum, can be seen working in a designated area within the museum complex, who also sell the crafts they create.
Students of Class 3 to 5 (PRIMUS) visited NHHM on 2.11.17 as part of their Social Studies curriculum. The visit was all the more relevant as it coincided with the ongoing lesson Beautiful Homes in class 3. 
Students learnt how houses are decorated in various parts of rural India. They also learnt how to make best out of waste using drift wood, dry grass, paper, bamboo and fallen leaves etc.