Monday 24 July 2017

SOPAAN - Exhibition (2017)

Monday 10 July 2017

Social Studies Activity (class 3) The World Cuisine

Food and Music are two things which bind all the people of the world in a common bond, whether of any caste, creed, religion or status. 

To prove this point, students of class 3 (PRIMUS) searched various dishes in different cuisines of the world, for example Chinese, Mexican, Italian, Bangladeshi and Japanese.

The students were divided into five teams of four members each. They all collected the relevant information and pictures related to the cuisine given to them and presented it in the form of presentation in the class.

Through this activity, children learnt that there are so many international dishes that are popular not only in India but also all over the world and how food habits of people are changing now a days.


The students of class 4 (PRIMUS) participated in Inter House English Quiz Competition. There were six rounds in the Quiz namely Visual, Dumb Charades, Tenses Don't Make Us Tense, Fastest Finger First, Buzzer Round and Rapid Fire.

All the children participated enthusiastically and had fun answering various questions that were put up to them.
The result is as follows :- 

1st - Bhabha House
2nd- Newton House
3rd- Aristotle House

CONGRATULATIONS to all the participants and winners.