Tuesday 27 June 2017

Amazing article on Finland's Education System

11 Ways Finland’s Education System Shows Us that “Less is More”.

1.  Less Formal Schooling = More Options

2.  Less Time in School = More Rest

3.  Fewer Instruction Hours = More Planning Time

4.  Fewer Teachers  = More Consistency and Care 

5.  Fewer Accepted Applicants= More Confidence in Teachers

6.  Fewer Classes= More Breaks

7. Less Testing = More Learning

8. Fewer Topics = More Depth

9.  Less Homework = More Participation 

10.  Fewer Students = More Individual Attention

11.  Less Structure =  More Trust

Click on the following link for  detailed explanation

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Story Telling Session

Hi! Checkout this amazing event -  Summer Sojourn With Katha  https://www.eventshigh.com/detail/Delhi/2d8396a2239ea5ccf46c25ac193ae720-summer-sojourn-with-katha?src=shwa

Hi! Checkout this amazing event -  YAMINI REDDY An Evening of Storytelling through Kuchipudi  9 Jun  https://www.eventshigh.com/detail/Delhi/6103ac4c1f5fb27360e467814c81623b-yamini-reddy-an-evening-of?src=shwa

Checkout this amazing event -  A classic children's story, Tagore's The Kabuliwala - With Jalabala Vaidya , Ananya anil, Akshara repertort  https://www.eventshigh.com/detail/Delhi/d9502ecf35b89026fc203c747b71f18b-a-classic-children-s-story?src=shwa

Sunday 4 June 2017

World Environment Day 2017

"The world is a fine place and worth fighting for."  ~Ernest Hemingway

‘Connecting People to Nature’, the theme for World Environment Day 2017, implores us to get outdoors and into nature, to appreciate its beauty and its importance, and to take forward the call to protect the Earth that we share.

Every June 5th is a day used by the United Nations to stimulate worldwide awareness of environmental issues.

World Environment Day began in 1972 as a day for people from all walks of life to come together to ensure a cleaner, greener and brighter outlook for themselves and future generations.

It is a similar celebration to Earth Day which is held every April 22nd.

Visit the following website for free online World Environment Day activities and games.


Saturday 3 June 2017

Summer Holiday Fun (Short Story)

by Vivian Huynh, Grade 4, NSW

Today was the 4th best day of the year. Summer holidays! I woke up at about 10:00am. Breakfast was ready. My favourite, pancakes with butter, topped with maple syrup.Then my brother Ethan, came rushing down with four tickets in his hand. "We WON"!! He sreamed. Was he mad? Four tickets to a trip to who knows where? He explained that he entered a contest to go to a trip to Hawaii worth exactly $100,000. We rushed to tell mum and dad, who were quite upset to be woken up on the only day they can sleep in. We went to the airport and on the plane... Those things I do not want to tell you about. Ok back to our trip. The hotel was a five star resort right near the beacch so we could see that gorgeous view. We went to the beach we relaxed on the soft white sand while Ethan was surfing on the turquoise water. Five minutes later we went to pick him up but Ethan was nowhere to be seen. Did he drown? Or got eaten by a shark? Or got stung by a blue bottle and was so shocked he fell off? You can imagine how my parents felt. They ran and screamed and cried and that stuff. Then I dived in. I caan swim 50km by now. I swam and swam. I was nearly out of breath. The water was deeper now. I saw Ethan. I dragged him to shore. As you can imagine he was pretty heavy. 40kg at least. Well everyone was happy now and that was all that mattered.

Click on the following link for more short stories.