Friday 31 March 2017

Film Acting Workshop

Film Acting Workshop For 8-16 Year Old By Tejiis Transparency Filmart

Unitech Club Patio


Is where you are meant to be…… But when you are in the spotlight does your body refuse to imagine the possibility of movement???!!!!! Does your dialogue sound clunky??? Are you a stranger to the situation that the script, story or modelling exercise requires of you? In other words are you unable to commit to the dramatic circumstances that you are required to play. 

Then join us for this workshop. Allow us to take you through the correct way to conduct a thorough study of your character, then how to get involved in your character so much so that you can exist in it’s imagined possibilities. After that it would be the sweet sound of LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION. 

We would acquaint you to the world cinema. Get familiar with behaviour on sets, co-artist coordination, choreography rehearsals, combat for camera like combat sequences.


When:   19/05/17 - 11/06/17


Timings:  3.30 p.m.-5 p.m. Sat. and Sun

Charges:  Rs. 4000/- per participant

For Ages: 8-15years


 UAS 2017 brings a unique opportunity for the brightest and smartest students to be invited as VIP speakers and Panelists during the launch night on 22nd April 2017.
The students will present their perspective of learning using open content to regulatory bodies and leaders of academics from 50 countries.
Selected students may also get the opportunity to go LIVE on the TV for the same.
 We are going to select these students by conducting interviews of the students on 2nd April 2017 at the Leela Hotel.
So in order to nominate the brightest students from your school. Please call Ms. Aarti on +91 9899692921 or Mr. Bharat on +91 9818996424

Wednesday 29 March 2017


Dear Students

Welcome to the new session (2017-18) and the next new class.

But, first of all congratulations are in order for the progress shown in the previous session. Kudos for those who have kept ranks and also for those who have improved their grades. If you have not improved your performance, it is the time to retrospect and gear up for more hard work. It is never too late to start moving upwards.

We begin with the new session and step into the brand new 11months (April - March) with new name PRIMUS, new books and new notebooks with a new bag to keep them in, new activities and lot more fun. There will be a new classroom with many old and few new faces to see.

As diligent and keen learners, there are some points which we have to keep in mind. 

To err is human but to repeat is foolishness. So, we must not repeat the mistakes that we committed in the previous session. We must use all the tools which are an ideal student's possession- good manners, respectful and disciplined behaviour.

Let us work hard from the very start and let us not shirk from our duties and responsibilities. Let us make the coming months more memorable by setting new and healthy trends.

Story telling session- A Tale of Wonder by Delhi Storytellers'Network

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Sun, 2 Apr 2017 11:00AM

N-81, Connaught Circus, Block N, Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001
The colours revolt!
"No way, we will not do as told!!"
If you want to colour with them,
Lo and behold...
There is only one way they will end their mutiny,
Their use has to be put under scrutiny!
What happens when a pack of colours go on a strike?!
Join Vasundhara for a storytelling session to find out.
The session will be followed by an activity.
Age-group: 8 to 12
Registration: 350/- INR per head
Requirements: A pack of (used) crayons your child is colouring with presently - please *do not*
bring a new pack.
About Vasundhara:
The kind with a wandering mind…and stories. A writer and creative at heart, she is a lover of art,
literature, music, travel and nature, not necessarily in that order!
Vasundhara is also an active member of the Delhi Storytellers’ Network.

Saturday 11 March 2017

NSTSE Result 2016-17

Congratulations to all the participants and winners !

Gulal – red, green, yellow and countless.
A day’s canvas – a riot of colors.
Lively crowd running hither and thither,
Rainbow of colors, dashing from every nook and corner.
Disregarding their woe and despair fervent folks,
rejoicing at the marvel of colors.
A day filled with luster and gaiety,
A day to smear our dreams-
With a splash of vibrant frenzy colors.
Holi Hai! A spring of unbounded fun and frolic!!


Thursday 2 March 2017



Since man has inhabited the earth, he has been on his way to search for food, water and a safe place to live. In early and ancient days walking was the most dependable mode of transportation.
Later on changes in transportation brought people closer together, but these changes also affected the environment, resulting in pollution and Global Warming. The human powered transport in the form of walking will always remain popular for reasons of cost-saving, leisure, physical exercise and environmentalism.

This play sketches one such journey undertaken by a group of humans from  Mangala Abode, earth’s first colony on Mars back to Earth, in a quest to meet all the inventors who helped in the development of means of transport and also to enlist their help in developing a missile to counter attack the aliens.