Thursday 21 April 2016


Earth Day is a launch pad for course-changing, positive environmental action. Since 1970, Earth Day has activated individuals and organisations annually to strengthen the collective fight against man's exploitive relationship with the planet. The Earth Day campaign aims to combat climate change by driving substantive behavioural change and channel quantifiable action on behalf of the environment.

Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22.
Why only 22 April?

Because it did not fall during exams or spring breaks, did not conflict with religious holidays and was late enough in spring to have decent weather.

Founder of Earth Day: Senator Gaylord Nelson.
First Earth Day: April 22, 1970

Core Issues :-
Advocacy, Climate Change, Conservation & Biodiversity, Education, Energy, Food & Agriculture, Green Economy, Green Schools, Recycling & Waste Reduction, Sustainable Development, Water

Things you can do for this day:-
Cleaning up local parks and surroundings, replacing incandescent lightbulbs with energy- saving compact fluorescent ones and planting trees.

🌎🌏 Let's Make Every Day Earth Day  🌍🌏

🌎 Earth Day - 2016🌲🌳🌴🌏

Earth Day 2016 — Trees for the Earth.

Let’s get planting.
This year's Earth Day theme is Trees for the Earth.
Trees is the first of the five major goals that are being undertaken in honour of the five year countdown to the 50th anniversary of Earth Day celebrations.
Over the next period of five years around 7.8 billion trees will be planted because trees help communities, they help combat climate change and most important , they help us breathe clean air.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Foreign Expressions in English

1De facto

De facto is a Latin expression that means “actual” (if used as an adjective) or “in practice” (if used as an adverb). In legal terms, de facto is commonly used in contrast to de jure, which means “by law.” Something, therefore, can emerge either de facto (by practice) or de jure (by law).


The literal meaning of this French expression is “face to face” (used as an adverb). It is used more widely as a preposition though, meaning “compared with” or “in relation to.”

3Status quo

This famous Latin expression means “the current or existing state of affairs.” If something changes the status quo, it is changing the way things presently are.


This expression originated in England with French-speaking aristocrats. Literally it means “bottom of a sack,” but generally it refers to a dead-end street. Cul-de-sac can also be used metaphorically to express an action that leads to nowhere or an impasse.

5Per se

Per se is a Latin expression that means “by itself” or “intrinsically.”

6Ad hoc

Ad hoc, borrowed from Latin, can be used both as an adjective, where it means “formed or created with a specific purpose,” and as an adverb, where it means “for the specific purpose or situation.”

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Health Week

Keeping the above quotation in mind, Health Week is being celebrated in our school from 7th April to 14th April 2016. Today an aerobic session was organised for CBSE I classes I to VII.
Children had fun along with energising workout. They also learnt the importance of exercise and healthy lifestyle.


Tuesday 5 April 2016

An auspicious beginning

 A Havan was organised for all CBSE I classes I to VII to purify the environment and for the successful beginning of the new academic session. 

Monday 4 April 2016

Special Assembly- Prize Distribution (Olympiads 2015-16)

Congratulations to all the winners ❗️💐💥😊✨

S.St Activity- Nature Walk (Unit 1)

Students of class 3 CBSE I were taken to school garden and Science Park where they observed various living and non living things in their surroundings. 
Through this activity they could also observe characteristics of living and non living things and find out the differences between them.